Rabu, 13 April 2011

Lamu - Lost in the Time Travel!

time travel, is it possible?

Probably if you have the opportunity to visit Lamu and indeed you must! Lamu's island village located in the coast of Kenya. Frozen in the 14 century, Lamu is required for any traveler in Kenya who wants to escape from the hustle and bustle of city life.

Lamu is a peaceful tropical island known for its slow and relaxed pace of life. island of great history that dates back to the 14th century. Over the century, Lamu has received many visitors and cultural influences, but despite all this attention, the island has developed its own culture unchanging. People Lamu are great believers of tradition and culture, and this has provided a strong society built on respect for the past.

Lamu real attraction except the long, white sandy beaches, the Old City. medieval stone town with its long winding narrow streets is quite fascinating. No vehicles in Lamu and only the dominant mode of transport was a soul or a donkey ... yes, donkeys.

In addition to exploring the city on foot and lazing on the beaches, we can go beyond Lamu dhow safaris into the surrounding archipelago, where isolated villages, ancient ruins and several luxurious and exclusive resorts lie hidden among the islands of Manda, Siyu, Pate and Kiwayu .

Do you want the perfect honeymoon? Are you a person who is fascinated by the medieval structure and rich culture? Then Lama is just the perfect place for you!

must-see event is the annual Lamu Cultural Festival held every year in November. four days event featuring the best of traditional displays, including plasterwork ornamentation, richly carved doors, high-backed chairs, beds and chests, shipbuilding, traditional embroidered caps called Kofi, traditional dances, such as Kirumbuzi who stick dance in which pairs people move around in a big circle of people, performing a mock battle with a stick to beat the opponent hand. In the past, he has served as a cathartic function that people holding objections were able to solve them in a socially acceptable manner; traditional competitions, including a donkey and dhow races. Donkeys are part and parcel of life Lamu, transfer all of the sand, built and agricultural products to the store of goods and people. This race attracts hundreds of spectators. Young boys ride these beasts of burden in the race along the promenade that begins and ends in front of the Lamu Museum, Swahili bridal ceremony is a party involving women friends and female kin of the bride before the wedding. Bridget goes to elaborate beauty preparations, which include massages with coconut oil and sandalwood perfume, extensive henna decorations applied to both arms and legs. nicely dressed young, mostly in the green was showered with gifts. There was dancing and singing Taarab music and delightful ullulations women, musical performances and book launches


Accommodation in Lamu and surrounding islands, ranging from budget accommodations, including hotels and guesthouses in expensive accommodation, including luxury hotels, resorts and beach houses. Basically, Lamu caters to every visitor, because you are important to us and we love visitors ... Kenyans consider visitors blessing!

Like we say in Kenya: Karibu Kenya, Lamu Karibu (Welcome to Kenya, Lamu Welcome to )!

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