Kamis, 28 April 2011

Cholesterol: Five Simple Strategies to Help You "Get Down"

You know it's serious. Deprived of real sweets and treats, which have started exercising their hunter-gatherer instincts in the mall. You anxiously roaming the hallways looking for their next victim, and the bitter pain of unquenchable desire, and send a helpless five-year-old girl fall to the floor - you've spotted cheese, consequences be damned, you're moving in for a closer look .

life, healthy life is not always easy. Ads for chocolate maker, ice cream and pies to go head-to-head with awesome statement clogged arteries, heart disease and lifelong medical complications. What is a semi-normal, relatively conscientious person to do?

If you are serious about how to enjoy life and lowering your cholesterol, try these five simple strategies.

1 niacin . Available over the counter, niacin is an effective and inexpensive alternative to statin drugs. Niacin is vitamin B3 and is positive for both lower-horrifying very low-density lipoproteins (VLDL), but also helps increase the security level of high density lipoprotein (HDL). In addition to the cholesterol-lowering properties of niacin has a beneficial effect on the nervous system works.

Niacin is available as niacin (nicotinic acid) as niacinamide. form of niacin seems to be of most use when the desire to treat circulatory problems, or to lower cholesterol, but be careful with the dosage. High levels are associated with liver toxicity. Niacin can cause a temporary surge of heat (hot flash anyone?) and no-flush "variety is available. Consult a knowledgeable source before making his decision as well as the type and dose.

2 CoQ10 . Coenzyme Q10 - it's everywhere, it's everywhere! Well, it's true. It is also known as ubiquinone, CoQ10 is found in every cell in the body and is vital for proper cellular function. This, of course, decreases with age, often influenced chronic diseases such as Parkinson's and diabetes, and the lynchpin in the body produce energy. Fortunately, CoQ10 supplements are available in health food stores.

3 oat bran muffins . Muffins? Why not? In fact, oat bran is a wonderful source of soluble fiber, fiber types, which mixes with the liquid and gel forms. As the fiber passes through the digestive tract, helping to reduce low-density lipoproteins (LDL), the bad guys. soluble fiber also helps slow the release of sugar in the system, thus stabilizing blood sugar levels. Just think - all of oat bran blueberry muffin


4 Olive Oil . Leave it to the Greeks. They've had a bead on this healthy oil for centuries. Olive oil is a terrifically flexible, and tastes wonderful is a tremendous health benefits. When used on a consistent basis olive oil works to lower bad cholesterol, LDL, without reducing the good cholesterol, HDL. The result is a healthier body and a great tasting salad. Olive oil also contains antioxidants, which protect the body from tissue damage, and polyphenols, compounds that further protect against heart disease. So, next time you venture out to the store, pick up a bottle of extra virgin olive oil - it will do your heart good


5 Pop Quiz . Arghh! Do not worry - it's a quiz that looks to the future. If you dozed off during the section of oat bran, here is your chance to be redeemed. the real proof of the above steps in the proverbial pudding. This means that your cholesterol checked often - at least initially. Your body is unique. What works great for Marge in the office can be disastrous if they are imported into your home. So ...

5 Pop Quiz . Arghh! Do not worry - it's a quiz that looks to the future. If you dozed off during the section of oat bran, here is your chance to be redeemed. the real proof of the above steps in the proverbial pudding. This means that your cholesterol checked often - at least initially. Your body is unique. What works great for Marge in the office can be disastrous if they are imported into your home. So ...


5 Pop Quiz . Arghh! Do not worry - it's a quiz that looks to the future. If you dozed off during the section of oat bran, here is your chance to be redeemed. the real proof of the above steps in the proverbial pudding. This means that your cholesterol checked often - at least initially. Your body is unique. What works great for Marge in the office can be disastrous if they are imported into your home. So ...


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