Sabtu, 09 Juli 2011

What Will Make a Happy Relationship? Advice For You

Is your relationship is not happy as you want it to be? Perhaps it is because they are not showing love to your partner so that he or she likes. It does not matter if you say "I love you" a thousand times, if your partner needs your attention to feel special. Your partner will not be happy if you came with flowers, if what he really wants is zagrliti.Najbolji relationship advice is to listen to the person you love and do what makes them sretnima.Ljubav coach tells more.

If you ask your partner "What would make you feel loved?" You will get a happier relationship.

My client Louise called me, totally frustrated. "I did everything for him, but he still complains, calling me selfish." I asked her what was done to show him that she loves him and she replied: "I always put a little note in your wallet that will surprise him during the day." And she is still in angry voice: "He never does the same for me All that seems to me to ask if I want to drive to work or Ikea, and it is foolish of me to use him as a driver." When I 'am not grateful enough.

Most conflicts in relationships or arise from miscommunication. We interpret the behavior of each other so that we react or act.

golden rule of love is to be humble and kind, if you want to work long after the initial mad crazy stage, where all you do is fantastic. Be a partner to understand your needs and unique way, depending on personality, emotional baggage or a child hood culture.

Dr. Gary Chapman, an American marriage counselor, brings in his book "Five Love Languages​​" from the theory that there are five ways of expressing love and that each of us has a preferred method. If our partner speaks to us in our "language" feel voljeni.Pet languages ​​are:

1 Words of affirmation: Compliments, notes, kind words and verbal encouragement from others are važni.One spoken language are very sensitive to negative criticism and to show their displeasure by nagging or using harsh words.
2nd Quality time: A person who speaks this language, it is important that attention and eye to eye contact. They need a partner to spend time or energy to them. If their spouse is just sitting in front of the TV will feel miserable. They need to see and talk without interrupting.
3rd Receiving gifts: If you have a partner who likes gifts that constantly surprises you, flowers or a new shirt. This is how they show love and be loved it. They feel seen and appreciated when they are given. If they are unhappy they will withdraw their gifts as a way of "punishment".
4th Acts of service: Some people find satisfaction in being for others. They offer to drive you or take care of the cat when you are abroad. These people really appreciate when you take out the garbage if you do not do it they do not think that you love them.
5th Physical touch: If your partner speaks the language he will kiss and hug a lot and I feel that sex is much more than an orgasm. He will be deeply hurt if you do not have time to have sex with him.

There may be multiple languages​​. Maybe even kind of coffee at Starbucks offers. Maybe millions. We are all unique and complex human beings, so that the relationship advice should be given to a single level. Value creation only a few boxes to put people in mainly for awareness raising about are different, and not the same.

to accept that you did not center of the world. Just as they have different styles of clothing or seafood rather than meat, we are all special. Love your partner in the right language, he or she will be happy and I want to love you back. Love is contagious.

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