Sabtu, 09 Juli 2011

Most Popular Baby Names Today

Anyone who has a child to have gotten suggestions from friends and family about what to name their child, but do not know the meaning and origin behind these names, here are some popular names for babies and what they mean.


Michael, pronounced "my-CAL" is the Hebrew descent, and is said to mean "Who is like God ".

Michael is also a Bible and the writings of the name of God the most reliable Angel.

William, pronounced "wil-li-I" is from German origin and is said to mean: "Will, desire and care." According to a survey done in 2006, William is 10 commonly used name for boys in the United States, and 7 in the UK.

David, pronounced "day-Vida" is the Hebrew descent, and also the Bible, is said to mean "beloved". In biblical David was king of Israel, and the famous story about him defeated the giant Goliath, the world famous


Britney, pronounced "Brit-ni" is the English name and no associated meaning, but there are many variations on this name, one of which is in Brittany, pronounced "Brit-ta-ni" is the name takođerengleski but this version means "Land of the Britons" Most children with this name is often referred to Britt for short, but it gives a whole new meaning to the name as Britt means "exalted one"

Jenifer, Jennifer sometimes spelled, pronounced "Jen-ni-fair" is a Cornish origin and is said to mean "white, fair and / or smooth." Jennifer is mainly used in English-speaking world and has gotten more and more popular over the years.

Abigail, pronounced "bi-Gale" is of Hebrew origin and is said to mean "father of the joy of" Abigail is a biblical name and is said to be the name of King David's sister. In 1900 Abigail is not used much, but it has soared in popularity in the21st century and now in the midst of the most commonly used girl names in the United stated, the UK and Australia.

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