Sabtu, 09 Juli 2011

7 of the Most Common Make-Up Mistakes Young Girls Make

applying make-up is an art, and many women never master it until you get well into adulthood. For those of us who have worked for years, it might be funny to look at common makeup mistakes that women make, sometimes even in their 20s. However, none of us are immune to a little make-up slip-up every now and then. And even if you use make-up for decades, pay close attention to this all-too-common errors

Since it is too great: We all like to be a little shimmery and glittery sometimes, but it's best to keep it simple. If you use sparkling lip gloss, for example, to avoid getting too glowy with other features. If you use a glitter finish loose face, using a simple dash it, and keep everything natural. Otherwise, you'll end up looking wet or sweaty, we can all agree is not a good look.

powdering to: dusting of fine powder is great for enhancing your natural complexion and gives it a smooth, non-shiny look. However, applying too much powder can quickly start working against you. Each time the powder is easily visible on the face, you've put on too much. Remember, only use a light dusting. You do not want to look like you're hiding something.

the right make-up on clothes: If you are dressing up in fancy clothes, keep your make-up make-up jednostavan.Zajedničke mistake is assuming that just because you're dressed, you have to be "pompous" with its make-up. In fact, the opposite is istinito.Više dressed-up you get, the more dressed down, you should be in your face and skin. Even worse, the error was the appropriate make-up colors, clothing colors. It just makes you look strange monotonous.

Emphasizing all: When applying make-up, there should be one and only one, a feature that will try to emphasize. If you're going to bring out your lips, keep your eye make-up simple. If you're going to apply heavy eye, using nothing but a transparent lip gloss. If you try to point out that, you'll end up highlighting the not-so make your choice.

Too much tan: Stay away from bronzers that make you look unnatural shade of golden orange. If you're going to darken the complexion with make-up, select colors that look natural on you, and do not overdo it. Remember, beauty is all about enhancing what you get, and not turn into something unrecognizable.

too much red: the sensitive red lipstick can be the perfect tool to enhance the fullness of lips, but avoid the cheap lipstick to bleed. Keep things tidy with a thin rim around the mouth of the ship, and do not apply lipstick directly. Instead, use a soft brush, starting from the center of the mouth and brush out.

Under-development: If you have a lot of experience with make-up, then you do not need to tell you that it requires regular maintenance. You can not put it in the morning and expect that it will stay perfect all day. Every time I wear make-up, be sure to check about an hour. But do not overdo it-you do not want to seem vain.

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