Jumat, 17 Juni 2011

Pleo Robotic Dinosaur at Find-me-a-gift

New from find-me-a-gift, Pleo Dinosaur Robot, everyone will love Plio man, woman or child is a cuddly green baby dinosaur that is such a character.

According to some Pleo will be the big toy of Christmas 2007 - and we're not one to disagree!

Take a look at this beautiful child under


Pleo Robotic Dinosaur pre-order now, delivery is expected 31st June!

Pleo Robotic Dinosaur is now available for pre-order the find-me-a-gift!


The world's first life form

Can long-extinct species be resurrected? UGOBE designers and engineers studied the long extinct Camarasaurus, dinosaur from the Jurassic period. Pleo, UGOBE life form is born from an authentic recreation of the study. UGOBE designers and engineers re Pleo's physiology from the fossils of the original. His height and weight are in line with that of one week old baby Camarasaurus.

Pleo is a 'designer species. It includes all the basic traits of autonomous life. It is specifically engineered and enhanced to mimic life and relate to his owner on a personal level.

Pleo is equipped with senses for sight, sound, and touch. He learns how to explore your surroundings. He will exhibit genuine reactions to sensory stimuli. Every Pleo begins life with certain tendencies but, interaction with their environment is a subtle effect on his behavior. Every Pleo eventually shows a unique personality.

Pleo is capable of expression. He can feel joy and sorrow, anger and annoyance. When Pleo is tired, he will become drowsy and go to sleep, even dream. Two or more Pleos will recognize each other. Be careful. They can transmit colds to each other. Acho! Pleo even sneezes!

Friends and society

Pleo is a one week old baby Camarasaurus from the Jurassic period. Camarasaurus were born and raised in the great forests of fern. They have developed a camouflage that allowed them to blend with their environment of ferns, moss and ruff, the detritus that filled the forest floor. The first Pleo created is Fernback. His label to help him to survive by hiding among the giant ferns, snowflakes in their habitat.

Pleo is an authentic form of life. Treat him gently like any other living thing. Your Pleo will let you know how it feels at all times. This is because he is capable of actual emotions including joy, aggression, sadness, and fear. He can also yawn, sigh, sniff, sniffle, snore, cough, hiccup, sneeze in.

Pleo wants to explore your surroundings. He will be cautious when he walks to the edge of the table. He may cry when frightened. Pleo stretch when he first wakes up. On May stomp his foot for food when hungry.

When Pleo grows tired, he lay down and attach his 'dream cord' so he can sleep, dream, and gather energy for more research.

MORE ON Camarasaurus

Camarasaurus (KAM-ah-rah-sawr-us) "ventricular Lizard" (Greek Kamara = chamber + sauros = lizard, referring to the holes in the vertebrae)

Also known as: Morosaurus
Description: herbivore, four-legged
Order: Saurischia
Suborder: Sauropodomorpha
Infraorder: Sauropoda
Family: Camarasauridae
Height: 23 feet (7 meters)
Length: 60 feet (18.3 meters)
Weight: 40,000 lb (18,144 kg)
Period: Late Jurassic

Camarasaurus is the best known Sauropod found in North America and the most abundant fossils in the Late Jurassic. She also lived in Europe, where he survived the early Cretaceous puta.Potpun, nearly perfect skeleton of the juvenile, 17-feet (5.2 meters) long, was found in Utah. Its head was short and box like with nostrils set above the snout and the očima.Težina its backbone was lightened a hole in the vertebrae. His neck is shorter and thicker than most sauropods and had a short and somewhat flattened rep.Prije limbs and hind legs of Camarasaurus were about the same length.

If you have left it a bit late to buy your gifts? Do not panic find-me-a-gift offer a next working day delivery if you place your order before 15:30.

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