Rabu, 22 Juni 2011

Nurturing a Gifted Reader

Parents can contribute significantly to the development of their gifted readers. Gifted readers are a subset of gifted students who may have the ability to understand information at a higher level or from a different angle than non-gifted students. Many gifted readers show long before kindergarten, a profoundly gifted three-year-olds seem to learn to read The National Research Center on the gifted and talented programs is located at the University of Connecticut in Storrs. "as a group, talented readers characterized

• Reading earlier than their peers,

• spending more time reading,

• Reading a greater variety of literature, even in adulthood (Collins and Kortner, 1995; Halsted, 1990 ),

• Reading at least two grade levels above chronological grade accommodation,

• demonstrating an advanced understanding of language,

• has a large vocabulary,

• the perception of relationships between and among characters,

• grasping complex ideas (Catron and Wingenbach, 1986 and Dooley, 1993, lavender, 1999 ),

• have skills that are advanced compared to their peers,

• may not benefit from conventional instruction in reading (lavender, 1999 ),

• The benefit of a diagnostic based instruction to ensure that their skills continuously improve ."

Parents have a gifted child's first teacher in a very concrete way. "Giftedness" It seems that a combination of natural ability and a rich environment. Parents can provide a stimulating and enriching environment for your child from birth through high school graduation. Parents have the opportunity to expand their children's learning through experience is not available through the school system.

There are many ways parents can promote their gifted readers. Perhaps the most important thing a parent can do is keep the child and his view of this talent into perspective. Each of us has a unique bundle of talents, gifts and abilities. That's the whole package that makes us who we are. Parents play an important role in helping children develop into an integrated whole. concentrate on just one talent or gift would result in a lopsided growth and the result is not helpful for the child or those around him or her.

Fortunately, the gifted readers can use their reading skills to their advantage to grow the second part of his personality and talent, because reading can be used to unlock the many fields of endeavor and thought. Parents can use the ideas in this paper to enrich their children's experiences with reading.

In the early years. average spoken vocabulary at 24 months is 300 words and 36 months on average spoken vocabulary is 1000 words. Receptive vocabulary (words understood but not spoken) is a much bigger vocabulary than you talk (this is true throughout life, but particularly evident in the young). Profoundly gifted readers will have above average vocabulary of an earlier age, then the norms and often but not always, and teach yourself to read. In fact, in 1972 Marland Report of the U.S. Department of Education, said half of gifted students are taught to read before entering school. enriched environment for children can support a child's aptitude for quickly learning the language. In addition to reading your child's day, make sure to book different levels are available in your household. collecting books for their child Libraries and keep the books in which your child can reach them. Talk with your child in a descriptive way as you go through your daily life. Your child will be a distinction between discrete words and sentence structure, learning new words, and equating the book with a happy time spent with you.

Library resources. trips to the library weekly habit in your household. Take your child to "story hour". Take them to the library card as soon as you are eligible. Encourage them to participate in summer reading programs. If the library sponsors book clubs for children and youth, encourage your child to join. check with a reference librarian or children's library to read the list fits your child's reading level and interests. Do not forget that a child needs to read a variety of material and level. reading at or below their peak level reading reinforces and builds confidence in your skills. reading above the current level is a good stretch, but it can be discouraging, so that lower doses are appropriate.

read the night. Although many parents understand the need to read to their children after the child has learned to read, many families abandon the practice. Research shows, however, that the utility is useful reading for at least the teen years. Those of you who watch Turner Classic Movies may have seen the movie "I remember Mama". In the film, a young writer recalls how her family gathered around the living room to hear the latest chapter in the novel there is a family of reading over time. This family is the practice of sharing great literature. Various family members read the material, questions can be asked, and if no one knew the answer, the research could be done to find the answer. Since everyone in the family was involved, this activity not only strengthen the family unit, it is a way to discuss important issues in the book support, a safe environment. Institut reading night with his family. read the chapter the night with an open saga that wears away the new and fascinating time and place. Rotate reading through all the family members to make everyone a chance to practice this important skill. Answer questions about your child's vocabulary and discuss the situation, history relates, or questions as they appear in the story.

read everything, everywhere. When you visit a park, zoo or museum with your child, your child reads the poster, look at the map and navigate to the exhibits you want to view, or read the signs for the opening and closing hours. The point is to show the child the opportunity to read and learn everything about us. When you go to the store, your child will help you find the products you want to buy and evaluate nutrition information, or price. Let them check the item shopping list. an important part of their active participation in activities and use of reading skills in everyday existence.

Encourage hobbies. Parents of gifted readers can provide opportunities for their children in the school system can not. Encourage your child to the hobby, interest or club. music, dance, art, rocket building, theater, 4-H, Scouts, photography, horseback riding, model building are examples of the types of activities a parent can support, which will enrich and expand learning opportunities for children (and, incidentally, exercise their reading skills in addition to other learning skills that will ).

Play word games. Perhaps not surprisingly, most gifted readers enjoy the word games of all kinds. They are very likely to create puns, for example. Play along. Introduce rhyming games, hangman, Scrabble, crossword puzzles, anagrams, word searches, tongue-twisters, puns and other word games teaser to your reader gifted. gifted readers love to play with words and riječinajzabavniji all. You'll be happy to know that all this game is developing a strong vocabulary and spelling skills.

Extend understanding. Make it a point to discuss what the child read and delve deeper into the content. Although a gifted reader can easily master the mechanics of reading, comprehension, analysis and assessment materials are more sophisticated skills Make this conference, not a quiz also, used sparingly to enjoy reading this to be self-motivating ... activities focused on the analysis and assessment of writing requires a different mentality than reading for enjoyment explore issues such as: ..

for non-fiction:

1 Is the material facts? How to tell the reader?

2 What is the authoritative source for the alleged factual information? Where can I find this information and to confirm?

3 Does the author use logic or emotion to get across his point of view? What is the advantage or lack of access by that content?

4 Does the author describes the principles and show how details are related or the author presents many details without providing a fundamental principle of linking this data?

5 What the author means when he wrote ...?

6 Can you explain in your own words what the author meant when he wrote ...?

7 If you had to explain that same concept to a younger brother, what would you say?

for fiction:

1 What happened in the story?

2 Who are the main characters and what are they like?

3 Why do you think the author chose to attribute these characters did? How do they attribute to the story?

4 What decisions is the main character who could change the outcome of the story to make the decision have been different? How would the story be changed?

5 What writing techniques did the author use to create interest in this story? (Hint, flashbacks, cliffhangers, symbolism, irony, satire, similes, metaphors, etc. ).

6 Is there a life lesson, moral or message in this story?

Be an example Children imitate their main role model -... Parents enjoy reading Take time each day when you read for your own enjoyment. your child can read that during this time or play quietly. You are setting an example that we continue to read through our lifetime of pleasure, learn new skills, as well as for work. Reading jevažan part of our lives.

concentration. Let your child read things that interest him without interruption. Your child needs to develop concentration. Interrupting the child when directed naodređenu activity, and even give praise, leading to a lack of ability to concentrate. Allow your child to focus his attention on a particular activity as long as possible. Minimize your presence. where there is interest, let it flourish.

support the whole child. Parents are essential in providing leadership and balance in a child's life. There is a distinct tendency in people to spend lots of time on activities that work well. This tendency can lead to imbalances in a person's life. It is important for all aspects of human nature to be developed. Children need to develop physically, basic, social, and emotional skills along with mental skills. often persecuted by their age counterparts with labels like geek and nerd, gifted children need to help build their confidence and to define their roles as members of society. Dewey G. Cornell, a clinical psychologist and professor at the University of Virginia, found that children whose parents are openly refer to them as gifted have less favorable self-image, are more prone to anxiety, stress and depression, are less well-liked in their group, and have more behavioral problems. Instead of focusing on the gifted label, he suggested encouraging children to be well-rounded, kind, helpful and friendly in his article "Child adjustment and parent use of the term" gifted "the gifted child Quarterly 33, 1989.

additional resources. If you are looking for more ideas on how to nurture your gifted reader, the National Research Center on the gifted and talented provides information and resources for teachers and parents through its website.

You May also want to check out the National Institute for Literacy for the newsletter, a series of publications for parents and teachers on supporting the acquisition of reading skills, and his report from the National Early Literacy Panel. While these publications are intended for readers in the normal progression of time, and the fostering of talented readers can use the information to the level needed for a particular situation, as the institute includes reading, from early childhood to adulthood.

For more ideas on how best to guide their gifted readers and suggestions for specific books, get a copy of "Some of my best friends are books, Guiding gifted readers from preschool to high school," Judith Wynn Halsted. ; Book explores the development of gifted readers have identified with the literature suggested books for different age groups and thematic areas of gifted children often face similar challenges in developing their identities and learning to relate to others ... The author gives some suggestions for books that offer coping strategies and ideas a child can adopt.

Nurturing gifted reader can be a great pleasure for you and your child. New words can be discovered, secrets revealed, understood the concepts, history is exposed, the more comfortable armchair turning pages of the book. Reading allows us to share the thoughts of the best minds of mankind has produced. facilitate gifted readers travel to the written word with a daily infusion of ideas from this article.

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