Senin, 30 Mei 2011

Taliban Infiltrates South Dakota Legislature

Where are the last remnants of the Taliban leaders hiding in Afghanistan? Are they cowering in caves near the Pakistani border? Maybe they own a condo complex in Karachi. More likely are the Dude Ranch in the American Heartland.

Remember 1994? Religious fundamentalists overtook Afghanistan and trounced on that nation women with a vengeance. Being wrapped up in the burg, and beaten in the streets was standard fair. Most doctors are prohibited from treating women the vote - no way


Does history repeat itself? Last week in South Dakota Religious passed measures making it a crime for doctors to perform any abortion except to save the life of pregnant women. No exceptions were made ​​in cases of rape or incest. There was no state wide vote. Déjà vu!

assistance to the victims of religious extremism in Afghanistan was slow to come. Finally, refugee camps sprang up along the border, and women's rights organizations issued messages of support in the occupied country through short wave radio. The answer to the occupied South Dakota's repression has mounted. Refugee camps are springing up along the border with the Dakota more open to neighbors, such as Mormonville, Nebraska and Laramie, Wyoming. Citizens Redecktown, Missouri are collection CB radios to airdrop over Mount Rushmore.

South Dakota's female population had a mixed reaction to this Red States recent horrific legislation. When the Republican Kellie Clueless was asked his opinion of legislative leaders forcing their will on the intimate lives of free American women she said: "Ah mind that ."

Antiabortion activist, Betty Sue Backwoods was interviewed in the island bikini wax in Sioux Falls Wal Mart. Betty Sue was quoted as saying: "I think Rep. Roger W. Hunt is a stone-cold fox and I thank God puts on my religion all other beliefs. That's what makes America what it is today." Then she threw her six children in the cart and sprinted off to check the balance on your EBT card.

Surprisingly, a well-known Democrats supported the law outright. Dr. Wantmoremoney, owner of Back Alley Abortion and Penicillin Clinic, the pine nuts, SD made ​​several lucrative donations across party lines to illustrate his new found love of Catholicism and loathing of the U.S. Constitution.

As the controversy rages, America's sons and daughters to die and kill in Iraq. For what? To protect America from religious fanatics hell-bent on destroying individual liberty this country was founded on. At least that's what we said. However, the U.S. military has not even begun reconnaissance operations around Deadwood.

Meanwhile, in Pierre, Governor Mike rounds added his input. "In the history of the world, the true test of civilization is how well people treat the most vulnerable and most helpless in their society. sponsors and supporters of this legislation believe that abortion is wrong because unborn children are most vulnerable and most helpless persons in our society. I agree with them" , Rounds said in a statement.

When asked if maybe pregnant 12-year-old girl raped by her uncle may be a touch more vulnerable than a pin-sized glob of separation of embryonic cells, Runde said the reporter trying to sell new auto insurance policies. Politics has come together with a new mandate SD Terrorist Assault Vehicle insurance supplement for an additional $ 10.00 per month. My government now has 78 Yugo better protected than my cancer.

As for the money you will lose the fight against these right-slapping legislation the Supreme Court, the legislator has laid out a plan to sell more of the Black Hills of special interest corporations in order to finance this losing battle.

Yes, it appears the Taliban have been found lacking. Religious bigotry is alive and well in South Dakota. Privacy, individuality and freedom D.O.A. Perhaps the National Guard troops should be looking Jewel Cave in the Black Hills of Osama Bin Laden. It is suspicious that Governor Mike Rounds and Mr. Bin Laden has never been seen together in public. Can one and the same?

With each mystery answered a new question. For example, when wearing our denim Burgas to South Dakota's legislators prefer my women place rodeo buckles on the inside or outside?

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