Jumat, 12 Agustus 2011

Don't Crave Another Person's Spiritual Gifts – Part 2

Each one of us special and important in the eyes of God. when compared with others in the body of Christ, you blame the Lord. We must learn to us who we are and where we're located, for the good of the whole and body for his glory.

When we complain that our gift or gifts are not the same as another person, we are judged by God. We also asked him why he does not give us another person's gift. It makes us yearn for another person a gift, and this attitude displeases God. He is expected to accept our gifts and use them the blessed the body of Christ. Also, our God does not make mistakes, such as He knows what he is doing, all the time.

When we compare our gifts with others, we become discouraged and our gifts of May does not seem as important as other gifts. Also, when we compare our gifts with others, we can be proud of, because we think that our gifts are better gifts than others. This attitude can be discouraging and lead the other or the glory of God.

We must learn that God gives us gifts suits us . It will be very uncomfortable trying to wear shoes that are the right size, because they will not fit at all! Similarly, the gifts God has given you the just for you . It is the gift for other members of the body are just for them.

So, we can see that it makes no sense at all in comparison with our gifts, gifts drugih.Biblija tells us in Romans 0:05, 6a, "So in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. we have different gifts by the grace given us . "we need to focus on the gifts of the Almighty gives us and ask him to help us to use them for His glory.

there is good reason to desire another person's gifts, because we belong to the same body . Each of us has benefited from the gifts of others, so there should be no comparison. We can not compare our feet with our mouths, because they do not look or act alike. But both are necessary and both contribute to for the same purpose , and our human bodies profits.

This same principle is the same with members of the Body of Christ. God wants to use our spiritual gifts in favor of others in the Body of Christ, the Church . When we all work together, we keep the body strong and there will not be missed. We also help to ease the strain of the church suffers.

We were endowed with the grace of God above , and not our own strength. We are equipped to build and strengthen the church with faith and love. Good teamwork is shared efforts and multiply the results, for the glory of God. But when some members do not pull their weight, others who are far less gifted in those areas, they must step in to work together.

prayer of salvation

If you have not already committed your life to Jesus and want to do now, please pray this prayer:

, "Lord Jesus, I'm sorry for all the things I did wrong. Thank you for dying for me on the cross, in order to free me from my sin. Please come into my life as my personal Lord and Saviour, and fill me with the Holy Spirit. Thank you Lord Jesus. Amen ."

Congratulations, if you prayed this prayer. Please refer to the Bible believing church, fellowship with our brothers. Please do not hesitate to contact me, if I can be of any help to you. Stay blessed and enjoy the presence of the Lord.

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